Silver Star shining for sacrifice, honoring wounded, ill and dying members of our Armed Forces, and bringing remembrance to those so deserving of our thanks.
We will never forget . . . WELCOME HOME!
National Spinal Cord Injury Association
The NSCIA is a non-profit organization involved in education and advocacy related to spinal cord injuries and diseases (SCI/D). There is a lot of information written at a consumer/layperson level about SCI/D in the "New Injury" section and in A-Z Resources. There is also a state directory of resources, legal information, and a forum.
MedlinePlus-Spinal Cord Injuries
This section of MedlinePlus, a very large consumer health portal from the National Library of Medicine, is devoted to spinal cord injuries. It contains links to a variety of information sources such as tutorials, fact sheets, statistics, and directories in both English and Spanish. The Go Local link features resources available in a locality, such as healthcare providers, support groups, clinics, hospitals, and social services.
Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA)
PVA is a non-profit organization of veterans with spinal cord injuries and diseases (SCI/D). The site contains overview information on SCI/D, information on disability rights, accessibility design, and other topics. The bookstore contains a variety of freely available print and online publications as well as publications for sale. The PVA sponsors the National Veterans Wheelchair games each year.
United Spinal Association
The United Spinal Association is a non-profit membership organization by and for those with spinal cord injuries and diseases and offers consultations to members in a range of areas including legal assistance, adaptive technology, and locating providers. VetsFirst is a national program that offers VA benefit and claim processing assistance. Using the advocacy section a user can create a customizable email message to lawmakers related to current issues and legislation affecting those with SCI/D. The Publication and Resources section contains more than 1000 informative articles (some of which are also available in Spanish), online magazines, wheelchair and assistive technology reviews, and other resources.
VA Spinal Cord Injury Centers

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All Rights Reserved
The Silver Star Service Banner and Flag are in no way connected to the Silver Star Medal
The Silver Star Families of America is a non-partisan, not-for-profit charitable organization committed to supporting the United States combat wounded, ill, injured and dying military members and Veterans from all wars, past and present, and honoring their sacrifice with Silver Star Banners.Content within this web site is the sole property of The Silver Star Families of America"All photos and letters sent to the SSFOA become the property of the organization to be used in any way we deem appropriate."
* DISCLAIMER: Any photographs of military personnel in no way imply DoD endorsement of the Silver Star Families of America.
SSFOA reserves the right to conduct the day to day business of the organization as they deem appropriate. SSFOA does not and can not offer monetary or legal assistance, due to the nature of our IRS filings, it is a violation of our by-laws and mission, SSFOA cannot assist anyone in this manner.
While the SSFOA attempts to exercise due care, we are not responsible for the performance, accuracy or content of external links or individuals we offer as referrals. All materials, ideas, projects etc made for the SSFOA while you are a member becomes SSFOA property. State Coordinators and Reps will be chosen at the discretion of SSFOA National Headquarters. SSFOA is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) tax exempt nonprofit public charity organization. Proceeds go toward the purchase of Silver Star Service Banners and wounded, ill and dying assistance programs, less than 5% for administration. See SSFOA Financial Page See your tax advisor. For more info on deductions see:
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