Copyright 2005-2011
All Rights Reserved
The Silver Star Banner and Flag is in no way connected to the Silver Star Medal
The Silver Star Families of America is a non-partisan, not-for-profit charitable organization committed to supporting the United States wounded and ill military members and Veterans from all wars, past and present, and honoring their sacrifice with Silver Star Banners.Content within this web site is the sole property of The Silver Star Families of America"All photos and letters sent to the SSFOA become the property of the organization to be used in any way we deem appropriate."
* DISCLAIMER: Any photographs of military personnel in no way imply DoD endorsement of the Silver Star Families of America.
SSFOA reserves the right to conduct the day to day business of the organization as they deem appropriate. SSFOA does not and can not offer monetary or legal assistance, due to the nature of our IRS filings, it is a violation of our by-laws and mission, SSFOA cannot assist anyone in this manner.
While the SSFOA attempts to exercise due care, we are not responsible for the performance, accuracy or content of external links or individuals we offer as referrals. All materials, ideas, projects etc made for the SSFOA while you are a member becomes SSFOA property. State Coordinators and Reps will be chosen at the discretion of SSFOA National Headquarters. SSFOA is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) tax exempt nonprofit public charity organization. Proceeds go toward the purchase of Silver Star Banners and wounded, ill and dying assistance programs, less than 5% for administration. See SSFOA Financial Page See your tax advisor. For more info on deductions see:
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Silver Star shining for sacrifice, honoring wounded and ill members of our Armed Forces, and bringing remembrance to those so deserving of our thanks.
We will never forget . . . WELCOME HOME!
Founders, Steve and Diana Newton of Clever, Missouri believe in their mission to honor the wounded and ill men and women of the United States Military.
Founder of The Silver Star Families of America, Steven J. Newton, designed the Silver Star Flag and Banner with the determination to bring recognition to our wounded and ill heroes and our Veterans of all wars, past and present.
In talking with the family of a wounded Soldier, who had received medals and had been in and out of various hospitals since he was wounded, a few things became prominent. Though this Hero had been honored by his friends and town people, it took only a short time for the medals to go into a drawer and the townspeople to forget him. No one came to visit anymore and all the wounded Soldier had was his elderly parents. No one remembered and no one cared.
The memory of this country is short when it comes to the painful memories of war. These “results of war” are hard to take; not very many people like to actually see the living results—results that impact the lives of thousands of disabled veterans. Attend a Vietnam Vets meeting and you will see many walking wounded and ill, not just from this country but veterans from all our allies. They should not be hidden away because it is painful for us to see them. And they should NOT be forgotten.
But who remembers their sacrifice? Until now, no National Flag symbol has ever materialized for a wounded or ill Soldier even though there is a Blue Star Flag for Service and a Gold Star Flag for our Honored Dead.
Something is needed to remind everyone of the blood shed for this nation. A Flag and Banner that when seen would force people to remember what others had done for them in the name of freedom. When they see this Flag it would automatically remind them of the pain and suffering of those who sacrificed for them.
Thus the Silver Star Flag was born—a Silver Star Shining for Sacrifice. A Silver Star that includes ALL our wounded and ill from ALL wars and representing the lowest of the low and the highest of the high. An organization of great people soon followed because they too believed in remembering the sacrifice of so many. By the grace of God our Father, “The Silver Star Families of America” was founded on April 11th 2005, and received 501(c) (3) status on December 5th 2005. An organization that has only one mission and that is to remember and assist our wounded in any and all ways possible. And to make sure others remember them.
Steve and Diana Newton
VFW POST 5168 Forsyth MO
Veteran of the Month Ceremony.
Willie D. Smith receiving his Silver Star Banner.
2nd Annual Veteran of the Month DinnerOct 11,2008, Forsyth, MO VFW post # 5168
Post Commander Roger Ellis, post memberr and MOPH recipient WWII wounded service banner presntation for Veteran Cecil Haney and Co-Founder SSFOA, Diana Creed-Newton.
Photos courtesy of Lucy Terrebrood, Ladies Aux Pres, VFW Post #5168

Message from President Ozark Empire Chapter, Military Officers Association of America
"I believe it is our duty as a MOAA Chapter to promote and assist those organizations who give support to our military personnel. We have not participated in this type of activity recently, so it is with great pleasure that I announce our guest speaker for October. She is Diana
Newton, Co-Founder and Treasurer of "The Silver Star Families of America". This organization with a worldwide reach has their headquarters in our own backyard, Clever, MO. Their mission is to honor and assist ourwounded in combat service members with banners, flags, certificates, and other amenities. In addition to honoring Purple Heart recipients, they recognize victims of friendly fire, those suffering fromPTSD, Agent Orange effects, and Gulf War Syndrome.
This organization performs a tremendous service for our wounded vets."
The Silver Star Families of America honored Veterans from the Mt. Vernon Home with free entrance to the Springfield Cardinals baseball game. What a tremendous experience to witness the joy on these wonderful men and women who served our country well. September 2007
Photos by Debbie Alderson Orignial Music by Kade Puckett Copyright 2007
THANK YOU to the Flight Crew who flew the Flyover in honor of our Wounded Veterans over Hammons Field before the Springfield Cardinals Ball game. Also huge THANK You to the Missouri State Highway Patroland Terry Bible for the wonderful escort they provided for the Veterans from Mt Vernon Home to the stadium.
On September 2nd at 6:10 at Hammon's Field in Springfield Missouri, home of the Springfield Cardinals, a most unusual event was held.
Veterans and the public joined together to say thank you to our Wounded Soldiers, Sailors, Air Force and Marines from around the area who have sacrificed their blood for this great Nation.
It started with the arrival of the Missouri State Highway Patrol giving an honor guard escort to veterans from the Missouri Veterans Home right to the gates of the ball park. Red lights flashing signaling the arrival of heroes from older wars
As these veterans entered the park they were met by members of the Silver Stars who gave them free tickets to the game along with various gifts including books signed by legendary author Dean Koontz.
A steady stream of the wounded and veterans from newer wars arrived, all treated with the same honor and respect.
By the start of the game the crowd was filled with veterans, active duty Soldiers and supporters and as the National Anthem was played a Missouri National Guard helicopter roared over head giving a salute.
Before everyone could even take a seat a voice boomed from the loud speakers: “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! We have a very special group in the park today. They are the wounded of our Armed Forces from all wars, past and present. We salute their sacrifices and honor them today along with the Silver Star Families of America and the Missouri National Guard. THANK YOU.”
The applause was loud and vigorous as the crowd of more than 7000 people showed their appreciation and pride.
Signs across the stadium showed support of our troops. America Supports You, Give 2 The Troops and Silver Star Banners. The Springfield Cardinals, a double A affiliate of the St. Louis Cardinals clinched a spot in the playoffs in the Texas League for the first time in their short history. Men, women and children cheered their heroes both on and off the field. But roll after roll of veterans and wounded was a reminder that the REAL heroes of this game were in the stands.
A very special thank you to:
The wounded of our Armed ForcesTerry Bible of the Missouri State Highway Patrol
Flyover Crew: CW3 Jeff Schwerdt and Captain Rana Simsfrom the 1107 AVCRAD
The Missouri National Guard
The attendants from the Missouri Veterans Home
Diana Newton, Co Founder and event manager of the SSFOA, Janie Orman, President of the SSFOA, Debbie Alderson, Carrie Tucker, Karen Turcotte, Rager, Steff Orman, Joseph Newton, Sharon and Nathan Winklepleck SSFOA
Give 2 the Troops

WWII Veteran Mr. Mitchel, SSFOA Co-Founder, Diana Creed-Newton, and Mayor Hayes Nixa, MO SSBD 2009 signing ceremony Photography by Nixa Express
Diana Newton presenting Banners at Purple Heart Chapter 621
Banner Presentation VFW POST 5168 Forsyth, MO
November 9, 2009

Silver Star Families Of America National Headquarters Moves
Dec 05, 2009 – Today it was announced that the Silver Star Families of America’s National Headquarters completed its move into it's new building. The National Headquarters has been named The Harich Building, and is located in Clever, Missouri..
Sunshine Roth, the newly elected National President, stated, “This move, into a donated building and on donated property, will save us money that is meant to go to our Wounded and Ill and Dying Veterans. Every penny we can save goes back into our programs and we are proud that we only spend two or three percent of our donated funds on administrative costs.”
Roth continued by saying, “This renovated building will not only save us much needed money, but it also brings us a much higher level of technical sophistication. The new building is wired for internet, power point presentations and a high degree of land line communications that will allow us to be in constant contact with those we serve.”
Silver Star Families of America is truly proud and pleased to make this move to
it's official National Headquarters.

Veterans Day, we were invited to Forsyth, MO (Branson area) because Mayor Potter wanted to sign a service banner proclamation. We had a nice turn out (abt 20 folks), considering ALL of the events in Branson every year on Veteran's Day week, we were indeed impressed to have that many there.
In the photo from left to right (I know most names but not all so won't list any) but will show you all that 4 folks in the photo are service banner recipients, I was honored to see them again and very touched that they came for the banner proc signing, as well on Veteran's Day.
From left to right in photo are:
The Mayor, the MOPH Commander- VN bann recipient, Sr Vice Commander, myself, WWII banner recipient, VN Bann recipient and Korean War recipient.
It was a beautiful day, almost 80 degrees
Hope that all of our Veterans out there had a memorable Veteran's Day, God bless you all.