The Silver Stars will never forget any wounded Veteran
be they homeless or incarcerated. We are there.
"A veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve -
is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made
payable to 'The United States of America' for an amount of "up to and including my life."
That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no
longer understand it. Contact SSFOA President, Sunshine Roth for information how you can become a volunteer for the Incarcerated Veterans program. blessedrecordkeeper @
Copyright 2005-2010
All Rights Reserved
The Silver Star Families of America is a non-partisan, not-for-profit charitable organization committed to supporting the United States Wounded Military Members and Veterans from all wars, past and present, and honoring their sacrifice with Silver Star Banners.
Content within this web site is the sole property of The Silver Star Families of America
"All photos and letters sent to the SSFOA become the property of the organization to be used
in any way we deem appropriate."
SSFOA reserves the right to conduct the day to day business of the organization as they deem
appropriate. State Coordinators and Reps will be chosen at the discretion of
SSFOA National Headquarters.
SSFOA is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) tax exempt nonprofit public charity organization.
See your tax advisor.
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Carol Malach has been a member of The Silver Star Families of America for about 2 years. During that time, Carol has worked behind the scenes on the Letter Writing Team and helping with fundraisers, and writing to Incarcerated Veterans.
Carol has been writing Incarcerated Veterans for almost 2 years. Carol get's up early in the morning to start writing everyone that she has to write, and without the use of a computer.
Carol has one son who was apart of Desert Storm and served for 11 years in Saudi Arabia in the Army. Her son's father also served in the military also.
Carol is proud to be a part of this family and receives a lot of pleasure knowing that those Incarcerated Veterans that she is writing to are not forgotten about and that they have someone to write back to.
Carol Malach
Inc Veterans Writing Team Captain