WELCOME to Silver Star Families Alabama
Welcome to the Silver Star Families in Alabama
State Coordinator Cathy Storey
Our mission is to honor and thank our military heroes of all wars, who were wounded or became ill as the result of service in a war zone.
The SSFOA has many projects and programs in place to accomplish our mission. All of these require money. As a non-profit, tax-free organization, we depend on donations and fund raising to accomplish our goal. On November 8 we held the 1st Annual Silver Star Families of America Golf Tournament in Birmingham at the Robert Trent Jones Oxmoor Trails Course.
Thank you for your support for our troops.
Cathy Storey, Alabama State Coordinator
SSFOA National Historian
Editor, Silver Star Newsletter ( Snail Mail Edition )
SSFOA Letter Writing Team
" We will never forget. "
"Some superheroes wear capes, mine wear combat boots!"
Governor signed at State level
City Level
Abberville *
Athens *
Birmingham *
Brewton *
Calera *
Childersburg *
Fultondale *
Gadsden *
Gulf Shores *
Guntersville *
Headland *
Hokes Bluff *
Homewood *
Irondale *
Moody *
Mountain Brook *
Odenville *
Phenix City *
Roanoke *
Sylacauga *
Tuscumbia *
Tuskegee *
Warrior *
Wetumpka *
Silver Star Shining for Sacrifice

Vettes for Vets " event that we participated in here in Hoover. We helped raise over $1000 to erect a memorial to those Alabamians KIA at the new National Veteran's Cemetery being built just south of here in Montevallo. It was a great event and Marynell did a great job organizing it. If only she could have organized some better weather!The SSFOA had a table set up and we did a lot of networking. Besides the Silver Star Families, the Blue Star Mothers, Gold Star Families, ( lots of stars ) Marine Corps League and of course the Capital City Corvette Club was there. We sold SSFOA cookbooks, keychains, and notecards and I had two of my paintings that I donated to the SSFOA there for people to bid on. We also passed out flyers for the Golf Tourney. We didn't make a lot of money for the SSFOA, but we passed out a lot of pamphlets and talked to a lot of people about the organization. I am attaching a few of the pictures from the event including an awesome one of the local Marine Corps League doing a reinactment of the flag raising at Iwo Jima. I have seen them do it before and it is spine chilling! BTW, Marynell's husband, George is one of the reinactors.

Copyright 2005-2011
All Rights Reserved
Content within this web site is the sole property of
The Silver Star Families of America
"All photos and letters sent to the SSFOA become the property of the organization to be used in any way we deem appropriate."
SSFOA reserves the right to conduct the day to day business of the organization as they deem appropriate. State Coordinators and Reps will be chosen at the discretion of
SSFOA National Headquarters.
SSFOA is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) tax exempt nonprofit public charity organization
Questions/Comments Pertaining To This Web site, CONTACT US

1st SSFOA Golf Tournament NOVEMBER 8, 2008
Greetings to you all, my friends and colleagues. I just got home from the 1st SSFOA Golf Tournament, and we had a fabulous time. We had about 25 players show up this morning to play on a beautiful cool, windy, fall Saturday here in Hoover, Alabama. The actual play was completed around 1 PM and we all met back at the club house for lunch and prizes.
I gave a very short speech about the SSFOA and all of our programs. We passed out gift bags with SSFOA pamphlets and donated prizes including sets of golf balls and tees donated by the local Army recruiter, and the wonderful pins. Thanks so much Trish for that. I sold the golf painting, that I donated, in a silent auction for $25. Everyone told us that they had a wonderful time and that they plan to attend next year's tournament, which by the way, we have already begun to work on.
The final count on the money raised will not be in until the first of the week, but I personally have received cash and checks for $875.60.
Special thanks to James for all his hard work on organization, collecting donated prizes and sponsors, and to Lesleigh Bolton for helping me out with the photos of each foursome, and the selling of tickets to participate in the "Stick it on the Green " contest. Also thanks, Lesleigh for chauffeuring me around the course in the golf cart. I'll forward you the bill for the Chiropractor! Thanks to everyone who sent us advice and items for the tournament, to all the sponsors, and to all the wonderful people who showed up to play.
December 22, 2008
James and I delivered two big Christmas boxes to the Birmingham VA Medical Center this AM. Both were filled with game books, pens and pencils, batteries, magazines, writing tablets and envelopes, stamps, sugar-free hard candy and gum, crackers, and personal care items such as: shampoo, combs, razors, shaving cream, soap, hand sanitizer, toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouth wash, flossers, and kleenex.
Each box included Christmas cards and letters for 175 patients, and a letter with our VAVS #, National's address, and my home address and email address.
The coolest thing happened. James has a USMC tag on the front of his car, and we both have Marine Corps yellow ribbons on our cars. As we were approaching the turn onto the VA Med Ctr campus, a gentleman was standing on the corner waiting for the light to change so he could cross. As we passed him and he saw the tag on the car he saluted! James was so impressed. He saluted back.
Semper Fi, and Merry Christmas!
Cathy Storey

Silver Star shining for sacrifice, honoring wounded, ill and dying members of our Armed Forces, and bringing remembrance to those so deserving of our thanks.
We will never forget . . . WELCOME HOME!
Here is picture of some of the Vet's cards done by the school kids from Emily's kindergarten class all the way up to 5th graders from 3 different schools here. One class wrote letters to the Vets. They will make you cry and laugh your fanny off at the same time. This years are some of the cutest I have seen.